“Just a Mother” repost

My first clue that things were really shifting was when I went to see Godzilla with my husband a few weeks ago and identified more with the female monster than any of the other characters. She was just doing mommy stuff. I get it.

Yesterday, a friend sent me Just a Mother by Kristen Hedges and I had to share it. Kristen puts a feeling I’ve had for weeks into the loveliest words – describing the changes I feel, the world inside me, the way I see life now. I would quote my favorite pieces here, but I think it’s best if you just read the original.

The incredible multitude, what this little life asks of me and also gives me…I feel a purpose growing with him like a twin, it exists because of and for him. I will nourish myself, my son, this new purpose. We will grow and change and learn together.


Happy Rennaissancing!

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